Participation in local and EU funded research projects

LC³ - Limassol City Cooling Challenge
Towards (net) zero emissions by 2030
Like all Mediterranean and Middle East cities, Limassol suffers from the Urban Heat Island effect. LC3 pilots ‘smart’ interventions which will affect the microclimate, reduce the energy needed for building cooling, produce renewable electricity in small spaces and provide nature-based solutions.
Mapping Mosquito Vectors
To protect human and animal health on the island of Cyprus from harmful mosquito vectors, the Technical Committee on Health launched the “Identification and Distribution of Mosquito Vectors of Medical Importance on the island of Cyprus (ID-Vec)” project. The project aims to first identify mosquito vectors both native and invasive to the island, focusing on regions at a higher risk for disease transmission. Other objectives of the project included mapping mosquito distribution.

A holistic phytosanitary and plant protection system
The aim of the OenoWatch project is to study, develop, implement and pilot a holistic phytosanitary and plant protection system based on the use of an unmanned aerial vehicles and a series of cutting-edge technologies, as well as the establishment of a Competence Center for Precision Viticulture.
REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology
Testing new risk assessment methodology, by examining soil erosion, land movement and land use change threatening archaeological sites. The project uses an integrated system of documentation and research in the fields of archaeology and environmental studies, combining advanced remote sensing technologies with GIS application for the mapping and the long-term monitoring of archaeological heritage.

STructural stABiLity risk assEssment
Europe’s Cultural Heritage is at risk, endangered by environmental processes enhanced by climate changes and anthropogenic pressure. STABLE addresses the design and development of a Thematic Platform for mapping and long term monitoring of Cultural Heritage. Combining structural stability models, damage assessment simulation tools, advanced remote sensing, in-situ monitoring technologies, geotechnics and cadastral data sets with WebGIS application, STABLE is trying to preserve our Heritage.
Geostatistical downscaling
The project aims to develop novel geostatistical methods for increasing the spatial resolution of physically-based wind field estimates (hindcasts), derived from Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP), capitalizing on modern satellite data, namely Synthetic Aperture Radar data derived from the Sentinel 1 sensor(s).
Involved as part of my MSc thesis.